The company has not provided any information about its writers. This is a sign of trust deficit. For this inconvenience, the company cannot be trusted. However, you cannot expect best quality writing from its writers, as they are not professionals and native English speakers. They are college level students, and are not aware of various writing methods.
Speedyessay has bad reputation for quality of services. Its work is either delayed or never delivered. Besides, when it is delivered it contain a lot of errors. Most of the time, delivery to clients are completely irrelevant. Despite, irrelevant work it still contains high instances of plagiarism, bad grammar, and incorrect format. In addition to this, when you complain about it, they do not provide any response to you.
Speedyessay prices are high from the rest of writing firms. You will be charged around 290 dollars for 10 pages essay. There is also no discount scheme is available with this company. However, despite charging such high prices, its quality of writing is more than worst. Besides, no refund is given by in case of bad quality of work or late delivery. Contrary, its team threats customers for contacting their universities if they ask for refund. It means that only aim of this company is looting customers.
This company has no privacy policy which means that customers details can be stolen easily from the site. This is a very serious issue as that information can be used for criminal activities or for stealing money from the account of customers.
Before placing an order the site support team response politely. However, after placing an order they do not answer quickly. Besides, in case of asking for refund or revision, the customers often faced with impolite tone.
This company works contains high instances of plagiarism. Its writers copy content from Wikipedia which is an unauthentic source. The company does not use plagiarism checkers like ‘Turnitin’. They use some cheap software.
We do not recommend this site to our viewers for the reasons of non-qualified staff. Also, the quality of services offered by this company is the worst. It has no revision and refund policies. Prices are high and writings are plagiarized.